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Băiat Trans - Simon Trouble - imagine 1
Băiat Trans - Simon Trouble - imagine 2
Băiat Trans - Simon Trouble - imagine 3
Băiat Trans - Simon Trouble - imagine 4
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Listat în: Transexuali
Băiat Trans - Simon Trouble
NUMAI SEARA LUCREZ baiat trans ( ftm fara operatii inca ), 23 de ani , versatil ,educat, onest, ofer companie barbatilor si femeilor curiosi curioase de astfel de experiente . !! LUCREZ DOAR SEARA !! * Telefon : astept mesajul tau si fac confirmari video câteva secunde Nu stau la povești la telefon, nu stau sa negociez și nici sa-mi pierdu timpul așa ca dacă nu ești serios mai bine nu mă contacta . !!!! Am dreptul de a îmi selectata clienții Young trans boy (i m biologically girl), 23 years old, versatile, educated, honest, I offer my company to men and women curious about such experiences. Height 1.65, 59kg, slim build. Discretion, hygiene and good sense are essential attributes, if you also want a moment of relaxation write me on WhatsApp to give you more details and come to discover me and get to know me better. Phone: I'm waiting for your message and I m making video confirmations I have the right to select my clients