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Pentru superba femeie, iubita ta, sotia ta, partea feminina din cuplu masaj tantric yoni - imagine 1
Pentru superba femeie, iubita ta, sotia ta, partea feminina din cuplu masaj tantric yoni - imagine 2
Pentru superba femeie, iubita ta, sotia ta, partea feminina din cuplu masaj tantric yoni - imagine 3
Pentru superba femeie, iubita ta, sotia ta, partea feminina din cuplu masaj tantric yoni - imagine 4
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Pentru superba femeie, iubita ta, sotia ta, partea feminina din cuplu masaj tantric yoni
Sunt un maseor barbat cu experienta in arta masajului tantric yoni de peste 7 ani. Sunt discret, educat, constitutie atletica. Dacă ești o femeie în căutarea unei stări de relaxare foarte plăcute, a armoniei simturilor si vrei sa explorezi intr-un mod divin atat fizic cat si energetic trairi ecsatice te astept la programarea unei sedinte de masaj yoni. Această intalnire îți va revela multe taine, încă nedescoperite, ale corpului tău și ale energiei tale, ce iti vor uimi sufletul, trupul si mintea! Relaxarea simtita de tine in timpul sesiunii de masaj este legata direct proportional de nivelul la care te vei lăsa abandonata trairilor generate de atingerile mainilor mele, blande sau ferme. Daca esti barbat si citesti ce scriu aici iti pot propune sa ii faci cadou sotiei tale si sau iubitei tale acest masaj relaxant pe toate zonele corpului ce ii va aduce zambetul pe buze, noutate, relaxare si stare de bine in relatia voastra. Asigur seriozitate, discretie calitati indispensabile construirii unei relatii de incredere. Lasati-mi mesaj pe whatsapp sau sms in cazul in care nu pot raspunde la telefon. If you are a man and you read what I write here, I can suggest you to give your wife and or your girlfriend this relaxing massage on all areas of the body that I offer that will bring a smile on her face, novelty, relaxation and well-being in your relationship. I am a masseur with experience in the art of erotic tantric and yoni massage, practicing yoga, continent, sports, discreet, educated, with an athletic constitution. If you are a woman looking for a very pleasant state of relaxation, to find the harmony of the senses and you want to explore in a different way both physically and energetically, new ecstatic feelings are waiting for you when scheduling a massage session. This meeting will reveal to you many secrets, still undiscovered, of your body and your energy, which will amaze you beyond measure. The way you will perceive the relaxation during the massage session is closely related to the way you will give in to the feelings generated by the touch of my hands, soft or firm. It is necessary to perform the massage adapted to each situation, personalized, depending on your condition, using integrated techniques of acupressure and breathing, to facilitate the smooth and harmonious flow of energy throughout your body. The massage is performed at your home or at the hotel with a prior appointment. I ensure seriousness, discretion, qualities that are indispensable for building a trusting relationship. Leave me a message on whatsapp or sms in case I can't answer the phone.